Thursday, December 8, 2011


I officially finished my first half marathon on Sunday.  Hubby and I decided to do the Rock n Roll Marathon series in Las Vegas.  As sore as I am still I am so glad that I did it.  I finished in 2hrs59minutes.  I was surprised at that since I had not trained very well the last few months.  I was hoping to get done in at least 4hrs.  Hubby is certain he doesn't want to do another one but I'm already planning on signing up for a Mermaid series half in February.  I can't say that I really love running but I love the challenge of getting out there and finishing.  Plus people think that your really cool just because you say you do half marathons...  This time around I think I will work on training a little better to get my time down to at least 2:30.  Now that I am feeling a lot better I can get back to the gym and start Hal Higdon's half marathon training on Monday.  Here are a few pictures from the run.

1 comment:

  1. Hi...I just popped over from the weekend blog hop...I love your blog! Would love if you could head over my way and check my families journey out @ & please don't forget to hit the "like" button for Facebook!
    Have a great weekend!
